Parasyte is a science-fiction horror anime series based on the manga with the same title. The series has gained popularity with its intense storyline, unique concept, and dynamic character development. It explores ideas like the true nature of humanity and the morality of killing, while also delivering sufficient action and gore for the horror genre’s fans.
Sunshine City Scare features the main character Shinichi Izumi!…well, actually it’s voice actor Adam Gibbs. In honor of his appearance, we decided to give you some background info on the anime, with the help of Florida Comic Cons.
parasyte 101
Florida Comic Cons, a news site that covers conventions and cosplayers, recently posted a blog titled ‘Parasyte 101‘ that gives you the basic info on the popular video game. And below is a preview of the blog.
the plot
The story revolves around high school student Shinichi Izumi who has an alien parasite in control of his right hand. Shinichi and the parasite, which he named Migi, discover a secret invasion of parasites that are taking over human bodies by entering and devouring the brain, making them act out their host’s worst impulses.
is it anime horror?
Parasyte is generally considered a horror anime due to its graphic violence, disturbing imagery, and supernatural horror themes. And the feeding on human flesh also adds to its viability as anime horror. In addition, the show explores themes of identity, loss, and the fear of the unknown, making it a thrilling and unsettling experience for viewers.
shinichi izumi will be at sunshine city scare
anime horror lineup inlcudes parasyte, chainsaw man, tokyo ghoul, attack on titan, demon slayer
The anime horror subgenre at Sunshine City Scare is jam-packed with 4 anime voice actors who portray major characters from the most popular shows such as Chainsaw Man, Tokyo Ghoul, Attack on Titan, Demon Slayer, Dangonropa: The Animation, Parasyte, and more. In addition, there will be an evil maid cafe and frightening idol performers.
The 4 voice actors portray the following characters anime horror characters:
- Denji from Chainsaw Man
- Pochita from Chainsaw Man
- Future Devil from Chainsaw Man
- Enmu from Demon Slayer
- Kuki Urie from Tokyo Ghoul:Re
- Gabi Braun from Attack on Titan
- Furlan Church from Attack on Titan: No Regrets
- Jazz from Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun
- Celestia Ludenburg from Dangonronpa: the Animation
- Shinichi Izumi from Parasyte
evil maid cafe
How will a cute and adorable maid cafe transform into scary and creepy? Miria Maid Cafe, Orlando’s only stand-along maid cafe, will add horror to everything they do at Sunshine City Scare from desserts and games to dancing and performances. And the group, which will be at the con both days, will also be performing on the main stage.
Sunshine City Scare 2023 is sponsored by Florida Comic Cons, a news site that covers comic, anime, sci-fi, horror, and pop culture conventions; and Florida Cosplay Digital Magazine, a free monthly magazine that spotlights cosplay throughout the state from features and interviews to photos from recent conventions; and Anime St. Pete, which is on Sept. 30-Oct. 1 at the historic Coliseum in beautiful St. Petersburg.